Rotate Color Map


The Color Map Rotation filter is used to select a range of colors and replace them with a differing range of colors both of which are specified by the user.

The main window shows a preview of both the Original and the Rotated images. Primary controls are found on the Main tab. These are used to select the range of colors for both the Original and Rotated images. This is achieved by utilizing color wheels.

Also contained within the main window is the Misc tab. This tab contains various options that further control the Color Map Rotation tool.

Main Tab

As discussed previously, the Main tab provides tools for the selection of color ranges. The top half of the tab is dedicated to the selection of colors to alter. Conversely the lower half of the tab is where color ranges are selected that will be used to replace the range selected above.



The upper half of the Main tab contains a color wheel, selection manipulation buttons, and manual angle selection entry fields.

Color Wheel

The Color Wheel is used to select the color range that will be selected for transformation. The current selection is displayed using an angle indicator. The angle can be adjusted by clicking and holding Button1, then dragging in the desired direction. Clicking in an area between the arrows and moving will alter the entire color area. Clicking and dragging the arrows themselves will alter the angle.

Switch to clockwise

The Switch to clockwise button reverses the direction of the map angle. Upon clicking Switch to clockwise the button will change to Switch to c/clockwise.

Change order of arrows

This option inverts the arrow direction.

Select all

The Select all button changes the selection to include all colors.

From / To

The From and To entry boxes allow manual selection of the selection angle. The units displayed here can be changed on the Misc tab.



The To section behaves in the same manner as the From section except that the color range selected affects the destination color map.

Misc Tab


Color Wheel

This color wheel is used for selection of a color used to replace grey tones on an image. Any color value here will affect the final color map. Using the Hue and Saturation entry boxes will allow manual entry.


There are two options:

  • Treat as this: Selecting Treat as this will change the color map such that any operation will be conducted against this color.

  • Change to this: This option changes the color map such that the adjusted color map uses this color as its base selection color.

What is Gray?

This entry box increases the amount of gray in the color wheel. Increasing the value here will dynamically display an adjusted gray ring within the color wheel.


  • Continuous update: This toggle button switches the dynamic preview on or off. When Continuous update is toggle "on", the preview will update with any change made to the settings.

  • Area: The three options here alter what is shown in the preview area.

    • Entire Image: This option will display the entire image in the preview area.

    • Selection: This option will display zoom the preview area such that any currently selected areas will fill the preview area.

    • Context:


The units of measurement can be selected here.